Lightsculpt captures fluid form from halos of sun and cloud radiating off Lane Cove River. Imagery translates the uncertainty of form, suggesting other things dancing on the rim of the physical. The story is about energy, how it is generated, transferred and transformed. Emerging through the meniscus between realms, bodies come into sight both by becoming form and being taken apart. Images evolve by shrouding and peeling-open face and figure to reveal the visceral within. The idea of journey as not always something pretty but going somewhere, is evident as form evolve.
Imagery asks questions with a sense of seeing the art and science in the energy of natural form. Image punctum attacks the emotions where for one awful instant, the need to reveal memory becomes a physical thing. The fates that rule us rehearse in the arts, affirming our relationship to each other, staging our dream performing our time.
The work illustrates ‘the art of science’ as a totally different reality construct, contending conventional science is the superstition of the present and we are now in a position to prove this scientifically.
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