As Lake Eyre in South Australia continues to fill for a record breaking fourth year in a row, climatologists are predicting another wet summer in Australia with the influence of the La Niňa system over the continent, 2011 being the wettest year since 1940. This has triggered a rare natural phenomenon which is changing thousands of square kilometres of Australia’s arid regions, from barren deserts to an almost mythical world of brilliantly colourful oases.
For the past four years, award winning photographer Peter Elfes has documented Lake Eyre and the Central and Eastern desert regions of Australia. The Green Desert exhibition is a journey through time into the ancient world of Australia’s desert interior with its infinite horizons and the ever changing landscape. It presents the outback in spectacular colour, featuring low level aerial images with astonishing detail that capture the beauty and remoteness of this environmentally and culturally significant part of Australia.
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