An exhibition of portraits of the naked human figure. Naked, nude and exposed. Sensual and beautiful. Celebrating the beauty of the human form. A selection curated by Len Metcalf of stunning contemporary images, a mixture of professional, amateur and emerging photographers from the fine art photographic world will delight the visiter with an extraordinary experience.
Jock Sturges is the featured international artist in this unique show. The photographs span his career, each immensely powerful yet delicately sensitive. They move the viewer to question notions of beauty, with Jock’s relentless search for truth. His work is held in collections at the MOMA, Met, Bibiotheque, and Kunst museums.
Anthony Browell’s haunting and beautiful lens less images bring a sense of depth with dark moody tones and stunning figures dominating the images.
Roberto Duran’s figures fly out of the photograph with angelic like grace. Peter Adams sculpts and twists his figures into landscapes, becoming apart of the textures of the scene.
Gordon Undy’s images delight in a gentle beauty exploring the natural from. Each image bringing the viewer delicate glimpses of the figure.
While Len Metcalf grounds the figure in beautiful landscapes. Stone and flesh are combined informing the viewer of a deeper spiritual connection between the planet and humanity, reminding us that Mother Earth is within us all.
Other photographers included in this exhibition are from; Garth Knight, Peter Stanton, Edmond Thommen, Thea Tulich, Nicole Bordes and a handful of emerging photographers
Jock Sturges, Peter Adams, Roberto Duran, Garth Knight, Anthony Browell, Peter Stanton, Gordon Undy, Len Metcalf, Edmond Thommen, Thea Tulich, Nicole Bordes and others
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