The Lost Boys

Jake Weisz
Jake Weisz
This event has concluded
Dates: -
Entry Fee: Free
Genres: Fine-Art

The Lost Boys is a series of work I’ve been shooting for almost nine years. I aimed to capture the Australian male identity within its diverse landscape and explore many distinctive settings associated with Australian natural iconography while recording a very vulnerable, raw and unnervingly honest illustration of young Australian men.

At the end of 2014, after living and working in New York City, I returned home to the tragic news that one of my friends had died by suicide. This vibrant, effervescent, sincere and generous young man, who on the outside emanated such happiness, was harbouring deep, complex and indecipherable feelings. Mental Illness is still treated with archaic stigma and can go completely unnoticed.

Amid this tragedy, I was also rediscovering my unyielding infatuation with the Australian landscape after spending years in NYC’s urban jungle… and thus, The Lost Boys was created.

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Jake Weisz is an Australian photographer and film director with an affinity for the wild and whimsical. His wondrous style captivates admirers by acquainting them with stories of the marvellous and the majestic. He can identify and transform our everyday reality into experiences of boundless beauty through his unique talents, expressed with tremendous style and flair.
Jake brings a fresh and honest approach to his work; the small details are often as critical to his process as the broader concerns. Jake’s work invites us to ‘go down the rabbit hole’ into his fantastical world, taking us on an enchanting journey unfolding beyond the lens. Warning: When entering this world, be cautious; you may not want to leave once you’re under its spell.
This event has concluded
Dates: -
Entry Fee: Free
Genres: Fine-Art
© Moshe Rosenzveig OAM

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Head On Photo Awards 2024

Entries to the Head On Photo Awards 2024 open in May/June.

Image detail: Gary Ramage